So the stalling period is over now, and we are all literary setting sails to… well, someplace, some other future.
After like more than month of hesitation our new sole shareholder
finally showed up and we got to meet his new appointed Managing Director
the other week. Not much use of that, just this change of MDs from good
to like the worst IMO. We still do not know what plans are made
regarding our company’s future as our new MD and neither shareholder are
willing to share them, like we’re just considered irrelevant and some
sort of nuisance. Might be that both guesses are right.
After a year long period of being under constant change and on sale,
throughout this times we’ve managed to keep all of our tightly knit team
intact . More so, even blue collar workers stayed all but few, though
high turnover among blue collar workers is almost a canon in our field
of business. But who cares about that? So now for a week already we’ve
been ‘enjoying’ the company of our new MD, and what can i tell? Change,
and selling process, and uncertainty hasn’t killed us up to this day,
but this man is going to. If his goals are to make people leave, so that
the new owners could cut cost on compensation, etc., he’s gonna get it.
He asks a question, you answer in full detail. then like five secs
later same question again and again and again. It’s simply impossible
even to try to regard him as something else than a joke thrust upon us.
Yes, you might think it’s understandable that he does not know the
business yet, and in normal situation I would agree. But he at least
SHOULD try to learn it, and ask all the important business related
question, instead of the ones regarding who has what model of company’s
mobile phone. Hello, the last time we’ve got new phones for employees
was like 2 years ago and they did not cost us a dime, but were given
free to us by our mobile service provider. And that is just the top of
an iceberg. The best part is that he does not make any decision of his
own. If there’s a problem, he ask for opinion from our responsible team
member, then goes out of the office for ‘some tea’ to consult with some
secret puppeteer of this freakish show and then comes back with mostly
incomprehensible decision made. ‘Our clients must be served,’ he says,
but how, if all these decisions already make an impact on our capability
to serve them in the first place, I ask.
It took just a week, but I’ve already started looking for a new job,
and so does every single one on our team. A dog barks, caravan goes, and
this ship is sinking fast. Shit happens, but this time it also hit a
fan. If work was about feeling good about what I do, now it’s more of
‘Isn’t it 5 P.M. yet?’ kind.
Įdomių žmonių pasaulyje būna (:
ReplyDeleteAš, matyt, per ilgai nebuvau darbo rinkoje, jau net nebeatsimenu, jog viršininkų keistų gali būti (:
Kad jis ne tik keistas, bet ir visiškai nekompetetingas. Ir iš visas dabar mes tokioj "įdomioj" situacijoj, kad nei verkt, nei žvengt nebeina. Iš vienos pusės teoriškai mus nupirko latviška kompanija, o praktiškai konkurentai, kurie mūsų naujam dirikui diktuoja visus žingsniu ir varo įmonę taip suprantu bankrotat ar panašia linkme. Taip kad prasidėjo šūduva auksčiausio lygio, su jau beveik masiniu darbuojų bėgimu. Iš esmės jau ir pati mielai dingčiau iš čia, tik kad neturint kito darbo be pajamų sau leisti likti irgi negaliu :(
DeleteBet kaip keista, jog nori nuvaryti į bankrotą... juk, atrodytų, tik didesni ištekliai, turėtų būti naudinga.
ReplyDeleteO su darbo paieškomis - kiek girdėjau iš pasakojimų ir delfi komentarų - ne kokia situacija. Ir darbuotojų trūksta, ir darbdaviai tarsi tyčiojasi. Lauksiu tavo įspūdžių.