A joke about going for a horse ridding turned into flesh last weekend. Our choice for a trial ridding fell on Kairėnai botanical garden as it offered both the possibility to take a ridding lesson, and a nice afternoon in a beautiful place with lots of awesome and colorful plants.
Ridding was so much fun, that I'm eagerly waiting for yet another one. Hopefully sometime soon.
My very first time ridding, and many more were to come |
Dahlias, dahlias, so many of them |
A joke about going for a horse ridding turned into flesh last weekend. Our choice for a trial ridding fell on Kairėnai botanical garden as it offered both the possibility to take a ridding lesson, and a nice afternoon in a beautiful place with lots of awesome and colorful plants.
Ridding was so much fun, that I'm eagerly waiting for yet another one. Hopefully sometime soon.
Spot the rabbit |
The three of us |
Any one in need of a shopping cart? |
Mirror, mirror, who's the fairest of 'em all |
Cabbage |
Rabbits of a tree. Bit scary looking, but still nice installation |
Oops, I have not enough material needs to complete this cart
ReplyDeleteAtrodo kaip kokiais gyvuneliais medis aplipes :) grazu
ReplyDeleteCia astros ar jurginai?
ReplyDeletenebus durnarope cia? :)
ReplyDeleteKardinolas...labai dera ant jurgino.
ReplyDeletejurginai, visai tokie kaip kažkada babytė kaime augino ;)
ReplyDeletena, kadangi užraai buvo tikrai ne prie visų augalų, o iš manęs menka botanikė, tai, deja, net ir nežinau, kas čia per augalas. bet kad jau atrodė įdomiai, tai nupleškinau
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaaa - aš irgi noriu! (:
ReplyDeleteGeras orientyras dėl dydžio (:
ReplyDeletene tu viena. tik mano atveju - vėl noriu :)
ReplyDeleteapskritai tai ten kažkas panašaus į kiškius "žaislinius", kurie sukelti į tą medį. įdomiausia, kad kai kurie tų kiškių lyg ir jau suirę, jei taip galima išsireikšti, ir žiūrint į juos iš arčiau toks dvejopas įspūdis. iš vienos pusės, atrodo įdomiai, iš kitos gi, ganėtainai fantasmagoriškai
ReplyDeleteAš 7d. grįžtu... :D:D:D